anni mandala
soul medicine ~ medicina del alma

meet Anni
Pilgrim, Intuitive, Integrative Cousellor, Tarot therapist
Nature lover, professional pilgrim, therapist and intuitive, Anni journeyed from South Africa to the world at large. Her search to experience and understand the Divine Mysteries took her to shamans, lamas, seers and spiritual Masters in Africa, Asia and the Americas. With Post Grad studies in Music Therapy, Anni has received teachings and initiations in Buddhism,Tantra, Kabbalah, Taoism, Magic and Shamanism, and studied Tarot, Martial Arts, Body-Mind and Transpersonal psychotherapy. Based in Mexico for the past 23 years, Anni practices Ontogony, a spiritual path to Self Realization.
Anni offers a mandala of soul medicine:
Integrative Counselling
Tarot therapy
Chi Kung
Tea & Tarot
Shamanic Guided Visualization
Sacred Circle Dance
In consultations, ceremonies, workshops and retreats, Anni shares intuition and wisdom with compassion, presence and humour, on this path of the heart; inviting you to untie the knots, connect with the blessings and experience your divine essence in everyday life. Love, Joy and Gratitude abound.
When she's not meditating in a distant temple, hosting a retreat in the mountains, or practicing Chi Kung in nature, Anni's somewhere in the world, at your service, for the benefit of all beings.

conoce a Anni
Peregrina, Intuitiva, terapeuta integradora, tarot-terapeuta
Amante de la naturaleza, peregrina de la vida, terapeuta y intuitiva, Anni se lanza de Sudáfrica al mundo. Su búsqueda de experimentar los misterios divinos la lleva a conocer chamanes, lamas, monjes, videntes y maestros espirituales en Africa, Asia y America. Licenciada en musicoterapia, recibe enseñanzas y iniciaciones budista, tantra , Kabbalah, taoísmo, magia y chamanismo. Estudia Tarot, artes marciales, y terapia psico corporal. Con 23 años viviendo en mexico, practica Ontogonia, un camino espiritual de Realización del Ser.
Ofrece su medicina del alma a travez de:
Terapia integrada
Tarot terapia
Chi Kung
Te & Tarot
Visualización guiada chamanica
Danza Sagrada Circular
En sus consultas, cursos, ceremonias y retiros, Anni comparte intuición y sabiduría con humor, presencia y compasión en el camino del corazón, que ofrece Amor, Gozo y Gratitud. Invita a desenredar nudos, conectar con las bendiciones que nos llueve, abrir el corazón y experimentar nuestra esencia divina en la vida diaria.
Cuando no este en un templo alejado, un retiro en las montaña o practicando chi kung en la naturaleza, se encuentre a tus ordenes, al beneficio de todos los seres.

Integrative Therapy
I love my Integrative Therapy sessions with Anni. She shares tools and insights - many from her own practice - that inspire me and bring me joy.
Lynn, San Diego, CA March 2023 to date
Anni came into my life when I was on the precipice of a turning point—call it divine intervention—and she has been by my side ever since. Over the last few years, she has helped me to navigate the ups and downs of my spiritual journey with grace, humility, and, yes, even a sense of humor. Upon first seeing me, tears streaming down my face, during a particularly difficult personal shift, she knew exactly what to say: “Welcome to your new adventure.” And I can’t imagine any adventure without her.
Alan, Los Angeles, CA May 2021to date
Dancing Mandalas and Silent Retreats
The Silent Retreat with Anni was a lovely and amazing experience...she is just the perfect person as she guides you with the beautiful example, kindness, smile, relaxed manner, her great sense of humor, creating an ambience of lightness and beauty. Thank you Anni! I highly recommend doing anything with her!!
Abril ~ Los Cabos, Mexico March 2023
En los retiros de Anni, he vivido experiencias inolvidables. Algunas tan espirituales, que no existen palabras para describirlas...como si entraras a un espacio sagrado, y el Amor envolviera todo tu ser
Carlota ~ La Paz, Baja, Mexico
Circle dance with Anni uplifts my spirit...a feeling in my heart and soul that allows me to soar into my true self. I have been dancing with Anni for 20 years and it still fills me with new delight
Lizzy Lou ~ Los Cabos, Mexico & Twain Harte, CA 2004 to date
Integrative Therapy and Dancing Mandalas Retreats
I am forever grateful to my brother for bringing you into my life. He gifted me a session with you because he himself had experienced your healing energy. He believed that my well-being would also be enhanced if given the same opportunity. He was right, probably more so than he ever imagined. After just one session with you, I knew (or felt) that your wisdom was very different from any of my self help books or spiritual readings. (Both plentiful - bookcases with abundance). When I first met you, I was an exhausted, multitasking physician. I lived using the engrained thinking of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I want to say you healed me but it’s more than that, you heard me, you guided me and you taught me how to heal myself...